The goal of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different areas of game theory, control, and optimization, with a special focus on their applications to network science.

A selection of the best papers (excluding work-in-progress papers) will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue in the Elsevier Performance Evaluation (PEVA) journal.


Netgcoop 2024 welcomes submissions on all aspects of efficient and robust control, operation, optimization and performance evaluation. Both theoretical and experimental submissions are encouraged; the areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Optimization and control-theoretic tools in networking
  • Differential games and mean-field games over networks
  • Network models based on algorithmic game theory
  • Learning mechanisms in networks
  • Incentives for cooperation in networks
  • Static and dynamic network pricing
  • Auctions, bargaining, and contract design in networks
  • Optimization of wireline, wireless, and power networks
  • Economics of cloud, fog, and edge computing
  • Software-defined networking
  • Trust and reputation management in network
  • Games for competition, ad placement, influence networks
  • Network formation games and routing
  • Resource allocation

The registration fees (VAT included) are

early birds  450 euros (non-student)   250 euros (student)

Late birds   550 euros (non-student)  350 euros (student)

Deadline for early bird registration is September 6.

Si vous êtes agents Inria (rémunéré par Inria) merci d’envoyer un mail à helene.le-cadre@inria.fr, marie-benedicte.dernoncourt@inria.fr, un code vous sera envoyé

Each accepted paper should be covered by the registration of one of the paper co-authors at full rate. The corresponding registration fee must be paid within the deadline of the final upload of the accepted paper on July 31st. Accepted papers which are not associated to a registration of one of the co-authors will neither be included in the conference program nor in the proceedings.

The final paper length is limited to 10 pages. 


Conference Sponsors and Suporters

We invite you to participate in the sponsor program for Netgcoop-2024

Netgcoop is an annual international conference that started in 20??. The goal of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different areas of game theory, control, and optimization, with a special focus on their applications to network science. 

Netgcoop conference attracts 50-100 students, researchers, and practitioners every year from all around the world. Your participation in the Netgcoop sponsor program will give you visibility to this diverse group that has interest and expertise in networks, control, game theory, optimization, and more.

Sponsor benefits include:

  • Sponsor company name and logo will be displayed on website and at the venue
  • Opportunity for sponsored awards (best paper and best paper honorable mention)
  • Opportunity to provide named travel grant
  • Acknowledgment in opening talk and closing remarks

For information about the conference, please contact the conference organizers.
For web issues, please contact Tania Jiménez.